Re: Nautilus does not open files with the correct app

On 8/26/07, Mike Williams <drummike gmail com> wrote:
> After you right click on a pdf file, Instead of 'open with' click on
> 'properties'  Then click on the 'open with' tab in the properties
> dialog.  If adobe is not in the list that appears you will have to
> click on the add button then find acroread and click on that.
> Acroread will probably be in either /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.

Been there, done that - it is on the list.

> The reason it works for root may be that you installed adobe as root
> and the installation process set the property, although that is only a
> WAG on my part.

If that were the case, I don't think I'd be able to use AcroRead at
all.  I check the entire AcroRead directory and all the perms are 755
or 644....  It works, just not properly from nautilus (works from my
browsers, command line gnome-open, direct open, etc.).


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