Re: How to do simple desktop configs?

El vie, 22-02-2002 a las 17:54, Hongl Lai escribió:
> On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 16:51, George Farris wrote:
> > I find myself in exactly this position.  I have to setup three labs of
> > twenty computers each with Linux and GNOME and I want the desktop to
> > revert to a known state every time a generic lab user logs in.  How does
> > one accomplish this?  A central , root controled desktop has been
> > discussed before numerous times.
> > 
> > I think this can be done in GNOME 2 by the use of Gconf but I'm not sure
> > having never played with it.  Frankly I would be more than a little
> > shocked if this feature is not part of GNOME 2.
> > 
> > I can't afford the lab to drop further behind the the administration
> > capabilities of Windows 2000 for centrally controlled desktops.  I've
> > fought hard to get Linux into the College, please consider these things
> > when designing GNOME.  I would hate to have to be told to remove Linux
> > because it takes too much admin time!!!
> > 
> Would symlinking ~/.gnome-desktop to /path/to/shared/desktop help?

That is a good idea... but, when a user try to add some icon to the
desktop it will try to write it in /path/to/shared/desktop,  changing
the desktop of the other users... this if a normal user have writing
permissions in that directory.


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