Looking for ways to speed up Ghome

Hi all: Newbie to linux here. I'm looking for ways to speed up Gnome. 
Currently I'm using it on a 266, with 192 megs memory. On this machine, 
Windows is just fine, however Gnome is very sluggish. For example, Opera takes 
almost 30 seconds to load, while on Windows, it takes barely 2 seconds.

On loading things (Like applets) it can take a minute or more before the 
applet activates. Like the gnome weather applet. I click on it, and it'll take 
between 1 - 2 minutes to pop up a menu. Is it a java app? Certain programs are 
incredlbey slow.

If there's any more data you need, just ask. I just updated Gnome fully though 
the red-carpet access, plus Red Hat (7.1) as well. So everything is fully up 
to date.

One thing I did notice, when I leave Gnome, there is a lot of messages , which 
looks like errors laying 'under' the GUI.

Looking foward to some help. Thanks

ShadowWalker Delaforge - shadwalk operamailx com
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