Re: First Nautilus Bug Day! (with RPM builds!) Tuesday Oct 10th, 1600-1800 PST.

Bug day is a totally cool idea, it should be a regular event.  I like breaking
software, when I was working on an  editor software package 10 years ago we ran
a contest to see who could crash it with the fewest number of keystrokes.   I
won with one keystroke.  Since then I have liked smashing, crashing, stalling,
corrupting, faulting, fooling, breaking and just playing havoc with the hard
work, blood, sweat, and tears of others.  I can break any software which is why
it is one of my favorite consulting jobs.

Testing, breaking, and reworking is an absolute must right down to the
individual token syntax level while you are programming. Testing is also
important all the way up to where you are talking product concepts with
corporate executives. 'Always testing' needs to be part of the culture of any
development effort.

Setup some dates for the next few events.  How about a 24 hour a day smash and
crash site? Great fun.

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