Re: [SOLUTION] panel site defaults

On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 09:11:32AM +0100, Jean-Raymond.Chauviere wrote:
> > sed -e "s}#HOMEDIR#}$HOME}g" \
> >     $HOME/.gnome/panel.d/default/ \
> >     > $HOME/.gnome/panel.d/default/Applet_Config
> > 
> > I found it easier just to copy all the files (including the .in file) to
> > ~/.gnome and then parse it once it was there.  You could use other shell
> > magic to find all .in files after you copy or something like that if you
> > have more than one.  I don't, so I just do this.
> Hum, hum .. didn't you forget some files:
> don't restrict the problem to panel, it's a larger one.

No, most Gnome apps take global defaults.  Where possible I should be
using those.  Panel is an exception.  I'm setting out to make as few
changes to the defaults as possible and send all useful patches upstream.
I'm creating a default Gnome environment for users, not a new Progeny
environment using Gnome's codebase.  I want to make sure that users get a
good set of Gnome apps installed by default and that those apps work right
as well as possible (gmc for example could work a lot better IMO..)

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd debian org>               GnuPG key 1024D/DCF9DAB3
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Gold, n.: 
  A soft malleable metal relatively scarce in distribution.  It is mined
  deep in the earth by poor men who then give it to rich men who immediately
  bury it back in the earth in great prisons, although gold hasn't done
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