Re: Suggestions

> Please - there is no need for stupidity.  This is about the dumbest,
> most narrow-minded opinion I've read on a news list in about 9 years.

  Ok, ok. I'm sorry for my stupidity. Please forget about that.

  Let's think with our heads now:

  If we had a library that encapsulates window management and decoration
routines in GNOME and the default window manager uses this library, what's
the problem to have another window manager running instead of the default?
  The window manager will just behave and look differently from the GNOME
library defaults (and the suggested MDI model). No problem.

  If we had such a library, applications like XMMS, for example, wouldn't
have to reimplement window management routines just because they want to
(say) move their window (see the easymove feature) and snap it to others.
Instead, they would call a library routine to move the window interactively
and the library would care about the rest.

  Code reuse is good, guys! :)

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