Re: Suggestions

Fábio Gomes de Souza wrote:
> >
> > What if I use Window Maker? Or E? Or IceWM? Would this mean that GNOME
> > abandons the wm freedom? It is a nice feature it has since the
> > beginning.
> >
>   From my point of view, the diversity of window managers in Unix is not a
> feature. It is a serious problem. If we had decent window management in X,
> people wouldn't need to write more window managers.


I disagree, diversity is good.  That is a huge benefit of open software
over Microsoft solutions.

There are a number of window managers out their and they all have their
places.  If you're running Pentium 200 or less, you shouldn't be using 
E, gnome or kde.  Use a lightweight wm like twm or fvwm.  I've got Linux
running on a 486 with twm and it performs acceptably.  On the other
hand, I'm using gnome and E on my primary machine (PIII 800, 384 M ram)
and I'm pleased with the performance.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric denali atlnet com

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latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to
hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his
- Albert Einstein

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