Re: Gnumeric 0.48 with enhanced toys is out.

On 25-Jan-00 wrote:
> I changed that line to read:
> %config /etc/CORBA/servers/gnumeric.gnorba
> which is the approach that gnumeric 0.47 took.  It's not the most elegant
> approach, and it won't work at all if you use an alternate sysconfdir (e.g.
> /usr/local/etc) but in that case you could substitute the appropriate
> directory
> for /etc.

        Yep. It's not elegant, but it works. Thanks.

Date: 25-Jan-00  Time: 11:14:46

Craig Orsinger                  (email: <>)
Logicon RDA
Bldg. 8B28                      "Just another megalomaniac with ideas above his
6th & F Streets                 station. The Universe is full of them."
Ft. Lewis, WA   98433                   - The Doctor

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