does Gnome-terminal have problems ?

Hello all

I actually uses ircii as my favorite irc client and i use it with the
screen command and I discovered that the scrollbar of gnome-terminal
does not take care of screen scrolling history.. Xterm does take care
of it, and i was told that an older version (a 1.0.x) of
gnome-terminal did it too..

This is my first problem and i got now another one..

I'm french but i use a qwerty keyboard and it does't have any accent
(no é nor à).. With Xterm i had an another way to make accents..
meta-i does é
meta-` does à

What was my surprise when i discover that gnome-terminal do i if I
press meta-i.. I want my accents, please do something or tell me how
to have them but please dont say "use your old xterm" because i
loooove clicking on url to open netscape :)

I'm on rh7 linux box with gnome1.2
[root gruyere ~]# rpm -q --file =gnome-terminal
[root gruyere ~]# rpm -q gnome-libs
[root gruyere ~]# uname -a
Linux gruyere 2.4.0-test11 #2 Mon Nov 20 14:50:46 CET 2000 i586 unknown
(did i forget something ?)

Thx to answer me !!

see ya all..


	 Dams Nadé
DEA Informatique : anvil amin unice fr
Association AMIN :
Irc Operator     : Anvil on IrcNet.Eurecom.Fr

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