Re: does Gnome-terminal have problems ?

anvil amin unice fr writes:

> I actually uses ircii as my favorite irc client and i use it with the
> screen command and I discovered that the scrollbar of gnome-terminal
> does not take care of screen scrolling history..

I've just rethought your question, and I think I understand it now.

You aren't asking that gnome-terminal manage _screen's_ scrolling
history.  You want xterm to maintain a scrolling history while in


TERM=vt100 screen

does what you want, then I understand your question.  Your terminfo
entry for xterm turns on the alternate screen buffer when the screen
program starts.  It looks like scrolling isn't logged there.
TERM=vt100 uses the vt100 terminfo entry, which doesn't have an
alternate screen buffer, so things go to the main screen buffer, which
has a scrolling history.

It's possible to edit your terminfo and termcap entries for xterm to
turn this off, but I'm too lazy right now to figure out how.

> I'm french but i use a qwerty keyboard and it does't have any accent
> (no é nor à).. With Xterm i had an another way to make accents..
> meta-i does é

That's a really bad way to do it.  I mean, why would you want to
remember that meta-i produces è?  (Escecially since there's no way to
make gnome-terminal do it, unless you want to write code, afaik.)
Instead, you want a Multi_key, I think.  Check out for more info on ways
to get internal characters to work in all programs, not just xterm.

Alan Shutko <ats acm org> - In a variety of flavors!
And on the eighth day, we bulldozed it.

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