MORE: october upgrade rpm weirdness?

Upon further inspection, it appears that 'rpm' is simply NOT working
correctly.  Here are the steps I have performed while trying to upgrade
RH6.1 gnome to october gnome:

1) download all october gnome rpm's, including devloper files, to a single

2) shutdown all gnome desktops

3) delete all home .gnome directories, including root's

4) as 'root', cd to october directory

5) execute 'rpm -Uvh *rpm':
     a) no package names are displayed
     b) no hash marks are seen
     c) a single error condition is reported:
         error: failed dependencies:
         gtk+ = 1.2.5 is needed by gtk+-devel-1.2.5-2

6) random check of 3 or 4 packages ('rpm -q xxx') shows new package

7) as user, perform 'startx', and get a gnome desktop with what appeared
   to be new features (which were probably just the origial default
   settings I din't recognize).  At this point, I believe all is well
   except for the single gtk+ error.

8) report this error to this list.

9) execute Gregory's suggestion, 'rpm -Uvh gtk+*rpm', to solve gtk+
   problem, during which:
     a) I see package name during install
     b) I see hash marks during install
     c) 'rpm -q gtk+' and 'rpm -q gtk+-devel' confirm installation
     d) 'a' & 'b' above give me pause...

10) perform additional checks for new package installations, which come
    up negative (original version numbers).  Hmm...

11) delete home .gnome directories again

12) as 'root', go back to october gnome directory and perform
    'rpm -Uvh *rpm', which results in:
        a) the listing of 8 packages with new version numbers that are
           'already installed' (including the gtk+ ones)
        b) no package names being listed as being "installed"
        c) no hash marks being displayed

13) repeat #12 above a couple of additional times with the same result.

>From all of the above I conclude 'rpm' is not working correctly.
'rpm' "seems" to be preprocessing and if it finds problems, including
packages already installed, reports such then quits.

Should I try: 'rpm -Uvhf *rpm'?

Install each individually in the order downloaded?

Other suggestions?

Thank you to all for your help.

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