Re: RPM for gnome-libs 1.0.54?

Alan Shutko wrote:
> Raul Acevedo <> writes:
> > Unfortunately, RedHat decided long ago that RPMs would put things in places
> > different than a standard tarball install would.  So, doing the above
> > simply does not work if you have installed things from RPM.  It is a royal
> > pain, a very bad decision, and one of the main problems with RPM.
> FWIW, distributions have been doing things that way for much longer
> than RPM has been around.  Most tarballs put things in /usr/local, and
> distributions are not supposed to put things in /usr/local.
> Furthermore, tarballs can choose to put their files anywhere they
> want, and distributions tend to fix things so they follow the FHS.
> (Me, I think that the fact that you can run configure and have it
> _not_ install things in a working matter is a bug, but that's just
> me.)

	I have an bash alias called build, which is './configure --prefix=/usr
--sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var && make'. This solves A LOT of
the "misplaced files" bugs...
	On a differente note, we need people to write files and not
.spec or else we'll have to re-write the thing every new version.

[]'s					|    .~.  
Daniel Serodio (lobo on irc)		|    /V\			|   // \\
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