Re: The State Of The Art

Sorry - nice idea but sounds a little like innovation for its own sake.  We
want a desktop that works and that we can work with with.  The desktop
metaphor works.  The sphere metaphor is, well, pointless.  Why bother?


----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Geek <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 1999 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: The State Of The Art

> The Dr wrote:
> >>Nope.  The screen looks flat.  It's just a way of extending your desktop
> >>(as
> >>a virtual desktop does) but so that it's huge, but you can't easily get
> >>lost
> >>on it (partly because you can remember where things are spatially,
> >>because the little "overview" window shows you where you are).
> Nils Jeppe <> responded:
> >Excuse me, but where is this different from what we have these days?
> The difference is that existing virtual desktops are flat and rectangular.
> A wraparound desktop is new, especially if it's conceptually spherical (or
> tubular).  It's like you're sitting inside a sphere, in a chair at the
> center of it.  The walls of the sphere are where your work sits; open
> documents for Project A over there, xterms to all the systems over
> xconsole down *there*, etc, etc.  You just spin the chair around so that
> you're looking at the section of the desktop that you're concentrating on
> the moment.
> > > >PS. Who the hell you work for ?
> > > Can't say :-)
> >Microsoft or the NSA? ;-)
> Neither!  Neither Uncle Bill or Uncle Sam pays my mortgage.  Anyway, it's
> nothing grand, I just like to keep my OSS/Linux stuff separate from my
> employment.
> dr_geek
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