Re: New user ...opinion.

On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 06:46:41AM +1000, A Palsson wrote:

> Just as a suggestion, since "ease-of-use" is a big factor in user acceptance

it is ? Unix is userfriendly but .... ;-)

> of new environments and Linux/Gnome is anything but an easy thing to set up
> and configure for the average "newbie", with all the compiles / configures /
> makes and "make installs" what about developing some easier method to
> install the thing.

Gnome is bleeding edge, period.

Get pre-compiled RPMS, deb's whatever, 
AND learn to be thankful to OSS-programmers.

(Ummm, Miguel, I did send you a fancy email a few years back with BIG
thanks for Midnight Commander, ummm, where's the wishlist .. ? ;-) 
... some more (tiny) features wanted here ! :)

> Something like a menu driven Install routine that installs the necessary
> modules in the proper order, compiles, makes and configures. Without some
> ease of use for the average new user, Windoze is bound to stay on top (who
> would like to see that?)

On 1/1/2000 Windoze will be all over ... ;-)

- greetings, Albert -
Linux!  Guerrilla UNIX Development     Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus.
(By, Mark A. Horton KA4YBR)

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