----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 1999 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: GLIB / GTK+ Updates
How do you install gtk+ ./configure && make
&& make install. If you do it this way, that's the
since redhat want the files to be located in /usr instead of
/usr/local, therefore install it this way
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make
ps: Sorry for the crappy mail, I'm sitting with a NT
machine right now
Since I'm a new Linux user, my questions may be pretty
basic for this forum. Here's one.
This may not be too gnome related, but as I was trying to
update my RH5.2 (kernel 2.27) with the new gnome-core 1.05, I had to update
GTK+ as well. (to v1.2.3)
When I configure and compile GLIB1.2.3, I see no errors,
and the install goes smoothly, however, GTK reports a version problem, tells
me that glib-config reports v.1.2.0
I have searched for the old version without finding it,
have deleted glib.cache and other things recommended by the error message.
Any ideas ?