Re: Another ickiness

On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 05:26:00PM -0500, Neb Bosworth wrote:
> I am not sure if this is gnome or even enlightenment related but in apps
> like netscape and gqmpeg, backspace does delete and delete does nothing....
> I thought I saw a "swap delete and backspace" option somewhere either in
> e-conf or in control-center but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Is there
> maybe some option in X or something? up until earlier today, it all worked
> fine but I also upgraded my XFree86 and Mach64 Server to 3.3.3 from
> Redhat's updates.
> Thanks,
> Neb

This has nothing to do with Gnome and everything with your X-server.
Unfortunately I don't really know what you need to change in which
configuration file to go back to the old behaviour. When I had this
problem I simply went back to my old server that I had still kept
(my video card had problems, and the X-server from Suse was supposed
to solve them, but it introduced this delete-key problem, and didn't
solve the glitches, so I went back and waited till the next XFree86


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