RE: Another ickiness

-----FW: RE: Another ickiness-----

Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 18:45:16 -0500 (EST)
To: Neb Bosworth <>
Subject: RE: Another ickiness

the only del/backspace swapping i know of is in the gnome terminal's preferences
that's wierd that your buttons are backwards though.
since you fiddled with X i'd suggest checking your kb mapping file.
the file should be the same as the language you chose for your kb (i'd assume
us since your e-mail address doesn't have a country suffix). in this file you
can change your kemapping to be anything you want.
(i'd suggest a backup copy and maybe a printout, because some of the key name
abbreviations can be hard to remember.)

On 23-Mar-99 Neb Bosworth typed:
> I am not sure if this is gnome or even enlightenment related but in apps
> like netscape and gqmpeg, backspace does delete and delete does nothing....
> I thought I saw a "swap delete and backspace" option somewhere either in
> e-conf or in control-center but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Is there
> maybe some option in X or something? up until earlier today, it all worked
> fine but I also upgraded my XFree86 and Mach64 Server to 3.3.3 from
> Redhat's updates.
> Thanks,
> Neb
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jason majors
gpl != gpf

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jason majors
gpl != gpf

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