lil help: update

OK, nevermind, it worked... still curious about that error before... I
downloaded the gnome-core source again and things worked... the only
difference was I had run a 'make clean' on the other source...

At 08:35 PM 3/7/99 -0600, Cory Watson wrote:
>Ive been battling Gnome and E for 2 days... maybe you guys can help...
>Today I started from scratch and things were going ok, until I hit
>compiling gnome-core.
>After I configure, the make gives me the following error...  
>make[3]: execvp: ../idl/help-browser.idl: Permission denied
>make[3]: *** [help-browser.h] Error 127
>Now, Ill be the first to tell you that I don't know alot about this:)
>Hence the reason Im learning... Anyway, I checked obvious things, making
>the help-browser.idl file 644... didn't make any difference (making it
>executable produces nifty results...)
>Any hints?  While waiting for responses Im going to delete my source and
>redownload it, because it compiled last night (but didn't run...)
>Cory Watson
>Computer Cafe Internet Services
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Cory Watson
Computer Cafe Internet Services

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