Re: File manager tree. [FEATURE REQUEST]

>I think if you're unsure of a feature, make it an option, make the defaults
>fit for newbies, yes, but why leave the feature out?

To keep the program as small as possible, which will make it more efficient
and more maintainable. I think if you're unsure of a feature, leave it out.
If enough people request it, you can add it later. If you add a feature and
nobody uses it, you won't know whether it's safe to take it out or not, and
the program will gradually fill up with features nobody uses. Hello 

>I think this applies to all projects. If someone requests a feature, don't
>turn it down because you or someone else won't like it. Rather just make it an
>option, unless of course it's really not worth all the trouble :)
>Remember, one of the great features of linux and free software is it's
>configurability. I bet it's one of the greater reasons that you use linux,

Configurability and choice aren't the same thing. Actually one of the reasons 
I moved to Linux was to get away from bloated proprietary software, where 
features are added to justify a new release number.

>but unfortunately it's a bit out of reach to those that don't hack at sources
>every day of their lives. Think how much you enjoy being able to change small
>details. Non-hackers using the software also like the ability to modify the
>behaviour of a program

True, it's nice to have everything configurable, but everyone (hackers and 
users alike) also wants efficient software and regular bug-fixes. Unnecessary 
features make both of these goals more difficult to achieve.

Michael Rogers

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