Re: File manager tree. [FEATURE REQUEST]

Michael ROGERS wrote:

> >I think if you're unsure of a feature, make it an option, make the defaults
> >fit for newbies, yes, but why leave the feature out?
> To keep the program as small as possible, which will make it more efficient
> and more maintainable. I think if you're unsure of a feature, leave it out.
> If enough people request it, you can add it later. If you add a feature and
> nobody uses it, you won't know whether it's safe to take it out or not, and
> the program will gradually fill up with features nobody uses. Hello
> Microsoft.

I second your comments.  The last thing we need to do is turn Linux into another
Windows...  Developers have to use some reasonable judgment and put in features
that fit with the design of their package not with every whim that the users have.
That's one of the great things about Linux, if there is a feature that you want
that no one else wants then code it yourself, submit a patch to the author and hey
maybe it will be in the next release of the product.  That's the way it should


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