
i'm sorry to keep harping on this...but i'm just stumped.  (and yes, i've
read the man page ;-) )

i dl'd the following (onto an out of the box Red Hat 6.0)

glib, gtk+ libgtop, gnome-libs, gnome-core, control-center, gnome-print,
and mc - the the latest releases from
ftp.gurulabs.com/pub/gnome/contrib-rpms  --- thank you kindly for the url
by the way

now i run (as root) rpm -Uvh *.rpm  (in the 'rpms' directory i created for
this) and i am getting that same error

gnome-core = 1.0.4 is needed by gnome-core-devel-1.0.4-34

and so on.  now, i understand the dependency aspect - but in order to get
past this i am going to have to find all of the releases that the install
is looking for?  so i'll need 

libxml >= 1.4
gtk+ 1.2.1
gnome-core 1.0.4
gnome-libs 1.0.8

now what is odd is that gnome-core-1.0.4-34 is shipped with red hat...so,
theoretically speaking, shouldn't that already be present?

i'm horribly sorry if i'm annoying anyone - yes, i'm a newbie (so i'm
finding out) but Red Hat is my only OS and I find these lists to be rather
great learning grounds.

thank you, anyone, for your time and trouble.

jack wallen, jr				     \||/ 
i bring you greetings from the dark place    -00  
get jack'd - at www.techrepublic.com           >  
L   I   N   U   X the power of the people_____-___  
Hee, hee!  I can be a jerk and no one can stop me!

		-- Homer Simpson
		   Itchy & Scratchy Land

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