Re: White Space (Re: UI suggestion: gnome-dock)

+++ Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 07:44:00PM -0400 +++
Ben Frantzdale e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
>From a UI standpoint, which makes more sense: right clicking on something
> you want to change the properties of, or going into control center (a
> completely different app) to change it?

For a system-wide setting, it's no doubt more logical to go to the
control centre, as all the system-wide configuration of Gnome is
supposed to be done there.

I made my way through the computer controlled monorail, car by car,
cruising for sentient beings.  
                      -- Mark Leyner, My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist

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