Re: White Space (Re: UI suggestion: gnome-dock)

On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Daniel Serodio wrote:

> "Guillermo S. Romero / unnamed / Familia Romero" wrote:
> > 
> > >I got one mail from someone who did not see the option to turn off toolbar
> > >labels.  Just uncheck "toolbars have text labels" checkbutton on the
> > >"Application Defaults" capplet in the "User Interface Options" section of
> > >the control center.
> > 
> > Hehehe, I think I was the "someone"... but I am the other side: only text,
> > no icons. Btw: what control center? RH6 does not have that (at least my
> > RH6). New in latest Gnome upgrades?
> 	I don't have it either. My control center is 1.0.5-22 RPM, and Gnome is all
> latest RPMs from gurulabs.

What aren't you finding? Control Center? Foot Menu -> Settings -> Gnome
Control Center. Go down the bottom of the list of caplets and click
"Application Defaults". In the right-hand-side you should now see a list
of tickboxes with descriptions. Untick "Toolbars have text labels" and
restart your apps.

Quite how to remove the icons and just have text I don't know...

James Green
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