Re: Heh! Maybe I can help! (was: Icons)

> > >KDE have got more than double the icons we've got. And this is an old
> > >version; as everyone should now, they are repainting them all at the
> > >moment. In high colour. They've got numerous artists working on this
> > >in a well-coordinated team. AFAIK, they are painting more than
> > >thousand icons. Thousand.

I take it that you're using icons as a metaphor for how developed Gnome is
compared to KDE. (If not, I'm sure that if we all stopped working on various
coding for a couple of weeks, we could pump out a few thousand icons and
beat KDE into the ground) Don't forget KDE is a year older than Gnome. When
I got Linux installed (about September 98)I got KDE 0.9 with it, and quite
frankly IMHO, it was unusable. I basically gave up on X windows, until
someone showed me At that point Gnome was in V0.30. I think
that Gnome is ahead of where Kde was a year ago, and is catching up. But we
have a year's ground to catch up, and a lot of coding can happen in a year,
so we can't catch up overnight.

Just my opinion (although I think I lost the point somewhere)

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