Re: GNOME upgrade

> Shouldn't some sort of README file come with GNOME upgrades?
> It's pretty confusing to a GNOME newbie like me
> to just be given a list of 17 (or whatever) RPM files.

These are two independent problems:

	1. What does the release contain.

	2. how to upgrade 17 packages.

for 1: each release contains documentation for what changes were done
(they are all on the -announce archives), you should read the

For 2: That is not an issue the GNOME team is addressing, that is a
distributors's issue.  My best advice for a newbie is: subscribe to
your vendor announce list and upgrade any packages he suggest you

The RH6 team includes even a list of cut-and-paste commands to do the
upgrade over the net.

> Am I alone in feeling that GNOME developers
> are somewhat lacking in common sense?

We lack time.  You are welcome to help.

Best wishes,

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