Re: [PROPOSAL] Better control center

>On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, [iso-8859-1] Kenneth Christíqua wrote:
>> Here's a proposal, I would like you all to look at
>Hmm. I totally agree that the Window Manager needs to be configured
>through the Gnome Control Center; I'm just not sure how best it should be
>Each Window Manager has different things to configure, so a single capplet
>isn't the answer. OTOH, for consistency all the WM capplets should look
>and operate the same way (you shouldn't have two ways of selecting a
>background image, one for both of your installed WMs).
>The question therefore is, does one capplet detect and modify itself to
>the current WM, or should capplets be produced for each WM.

Different capplets should be produced, so for instance when you
are running an non-supported wm, and selection background it will run 
background-capplet-standard, and if you are running enlightenment
the control-center will run background-capplet-enlightenment, etc.

icewm - background-capplet-icewm
windowmaker - background-capplet-wmaker             

All the capplets just have to look very alike.

Maybe capplets for the different windowmanagers should be
distrubuted seperately?


>James Green

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