Re: [PROPOSAL] Better control center

James Green wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, [iso-8859-1] Kenneth Christíqua wrote:
> > Here's a proposal, I would like you all to look at
> >
> >
> Hmm. I totally agree that the Window Manager needs to be configured
> through the Gnome Control Center; I'm just not sure how best it should be
> implmented.
> Each Window Manager has different things to configure, so a single capplet
> isn't the answer. OTOH, for consistency all the WM capplets should look
> and operate the same way (you shouldn't have two ways of selecting a
> background image, one for both of your installed WMs).
> The question therefore is, does one capplet detect and modify itself to
> the current WM, or should capplets be produced for each WM.
> James Green

Windoze solves this problem by using standardized dialogs (properties) that
various programs can add sections (tabs) to. So maybe make a default capplet
with all the common elements (background, etc...) and allow wm's to install
extensions to it. 

It would be difficult to try and get a multitude of capplets to look the same
(or even similar). This way the common pieces look the same and the "custom"
elements are the only variations.

I know this is similar to having a capplet that modifies itself, but there is a
difference. Instead of the capplet trying to reorganize itself around what it
can find (and might have to look for) it just incorporates whatever is given to
it by the installed wm's. Of course this requires some common method of getting
wm's to talk to control-center, but I think we'll need that anyway.


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