Re: How to keep windows from maximizing over the panel

Perhaps this should be a condition for "GNOME-friendly window managers."

 Soren Harward <> | Windows DOES come with a tool    | to restore a corrupt Registry.
 Internet Information Systems Admin  |
 Cinternet, Inc.  (513) 891-1228     | It's called FDISK.

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Geoff Harrison (mandrake) wrote:

>On Tue, Sep 15, 1998 at 03:26:10PM -0400, Tim Moore wrote:
>> Has anyone figured out how to make a window manager (any window manager!)
>> avoid obscuring the panel when maximizing windows? I'm trying to convert
>> my LinuxPPC box at home from KDE to GNOME, and I don't like how the panel
>> keeps getting hidden (which KWM avoids). I don't really care what WM I use
>> -- I'm new enough to Linux to not have a religious preference ;-)
>unfortunately, panel is not window manager friendly.  it's override redirect
>which basically ignores the window manager, and doesn't give the window manager
>much clue as to its existance.

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