Re: How to keep windows from maximizing over the panel

On Tue, Sep 15, 1998 at 03:26:10PM -0400, Tim Moore wrote:
> Has anyone figured out how to make a window manager (any window manager!)
> avoid obscuring the panel when maximizing windows? I'm trying to convert
> my LinuxPPC box at home from KDE to GNOME, and I don't like how the panel
> keeps getting hidden (which KWM avoids). I don't really care what WM I use
> -- I'm new enough to Linux to not have a religious preference ;-)
> TIA,
> Tim

unfortunately, panel is not window manager friendly.  it's override redirect
which basically ignores the window manager, and doesn't give the window manager
much clue as to its existance.

Geoff Harrison (
Senior Systems Engineer
Intellimedia Commerce (
Author, MAW Shell Replacement (
Author, Enlightenment Window Manager (
phone: (404)262-0001x102

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