Re: Bravo for the mess with all the files !!!

could it be ".shtml"?? :) :)

The page seems a little out of date and/or not really in line whith the
"approved" way to do things (at least as I understand them).

The problem is there seems to be a lot of definitions in CVSROOT/modules
What I understand from those is we should do a 
	cvs co gnome 
to get all the relevant pieces.
Is that correct?
Will "cvs update gnome" work ok?
I'm a little confused, but I'm pretty sure that using single updates will lead to 
missing directories. 
On the other hand doing as said above will result in multiple copies of some
subdirs. Is this wanted?

I'm a little confused.
Thanks for any advice.

Best Regards

Mauro Condarelli

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