Re: Be polite? No! Be rude!

24-Oct-98 19:30 you wrote:
>> 24-Oct-98 11:56 you wrote:
>> > If you hit more snags, come back to the list and ask questions -- that's
>> > why we're here.  But please remember to be polite.
>> Heh. At least if you'll be REALLY rude you'll got SOME reaction... TUTU
>> <> got four responces on his rude letter while I'm got ZERO
>> responces (except few letters sended via "Reply" button but not related to my
>> mail) on my polite question :-((
> [deleted]
> Sorry,
> I do not know the answer to Your question.
> I couldn't even read what You suggest for "help" since id displayed
> gibberish on my mailer :-((((((((
No problem :-) You need koi8-r aware mailer to read them, but I hope that rest
of my mail could be readed... It's not important at all how exactly this words
looks in russian -- only LENGTH of this words are important. And I hope that
length of your gibberish is the same as length of my russian words on my
computer (mentioned in parentheses). End even if not this length is written
there! So I'm pretty sure that you have enough information to understood

> Please please, do *not* stop being polite!
I'll try but how about problems raised in my letter ? Or GNOME is not interested
in localization at all ???? Internationalization must be in such projects from
the beginning since it's really hard to add it later. Possible, but much harder
then to create all "right way" from the beginning...

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