[Fwd: Frames?]

Hello everyone!

This is my first posting to the list, and since I installed gnome 0.20
today i have some questions and comments on gnome..

The installation wasnt totally pain-free, to install mc I would have to
install pam, and pam requiers a bounch of libs, some of thoose libs
really fucks up the login-system resulting in that you cant login on a
RH 4.0 system.. But after ive uninstalled the libs (concerning mc/pam)
and compleated installing the others gnome worked fine.

Now my question is, that possible has been answeard before ;).
How can i make gnome-apps get a "frame" as in fvwm95-2 or similar so i
can move them around? Right now the gets stuck in the upper left corner
and wont move..


Hjalmar Wåhlander.

Hello everyone!

This is my first posting to the list, and since I installed gnome 0.20
today i have some questions and comments on gnome..

The installation wasnt totally pain-free, to install mc I would have to
install pam, and pam requiers a bounch of libs, some of thoose libs
really fucks up the login-system resulting in that you cant login on a
RH 4.0 system.. But after ive uninstalled the libs (concerning mc/pam)
and compleated installing the others gnome worked fine.

Now my question is, that possible has been answeard before ;).
How can i make gnome-apps get a "frame" as in fvwm95-2 or similar so i
can move them around? Right now the gets stuck in the upper left corner
and wont move..


Hjalmar Wåhlander.

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