Re: Whose end is this broken on. . .

On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Brandon S. Allbery wrote:

> In message <>, Michael
>  Bruce writes:
> +-----
> | > You need to update a few more packages.  And some applets are currently
> | > broken (e.g. slash_applet doesn't like the GOAD argument; starting it from
> | > the command line works).
> | 
> | Which packages do I need to update. . .
> +--->8
> My "required list" of packages so far is:
> glib
> gtk+
> imlib
> ORBit
> gnome-xml
> gnome-http
> guile-core
> libgtop		<- not *required* but much of GNOME "goes away" without it
> gnome-libs
> gnome-objc
> gnome-core

Sounds like I'll be hitting CVS tonight.

> | I wiped all GNOME RPMs out several months ago.
> +--->8
> But some things are not "GNOME RPMs" but are still prerequisites (e.g. IMlib), 
> and RH includes certain GNOME components in the base system (because they're 
> used by control-panel etc.).

Let me be more clear: I wiped out all previous versions of anything
mildly related to gnome.  I was very thorough.

Also, everything worked very smoothly in the CVS of about 1.5 weeks
ago, for me.

> | Oh, as another data point that I forgot to mention in my original
> | message: when I try to add an applet, the panel hangs completely, and
> | swallows all keyboard input (except for the X-server keys), so I have
> | to alt-tab to a VT and kill it.
> +--->8
> I don't see that... but the panel SEGV's when an applet tries to connect to it.

That happens sometimes, too.

Michael Bruce  | UPDATE 8-10-1998
"I am already the undisputed KING of Usenet and all Government
agencies work for me.  I am a consultant for the FBI, the State
Police, the Bar Association and various school districts." -J. Grubor

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