Re: panel not working?

On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, Michael Lausch wrote:

> >>>>> "sm" == sml13  <>
> >>>>> wrote the following on Wed, 2 Dec 1998 03:41:42 -0500 (EST)
> sm> Ahhh...inadvertently, I found that the problem was not with the panel, 
> sm> but rather with the version of Enlightenment that I was running (from CVS 
> sm> about a week ago).  It works with Fvwm2 (doesn't support the hints, of 
> sm> course), though.
> With the fvwm-pager applet (gnome-core/applet/fvwm-pager), fvwm2 will
> support (a subset) of the enlgihtment hints. The subset is complete
> enough to make gnome-pager happy.
> But gnome-pager isn't working right now. I don't know what the
> problem is, but i suspect it's the CORBA part of panel and it's applets
> which is slightly broken. 
> --
> Michael Lausch/g.a.m.s. edv dienstleistungen gmbh
> See my web page <> or query PGP key server for PGP key.
> "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away".
>                 -- Philip K. Dick

Actually, gnomepager_applet is one of the applets that works here, but it
doesn't show itself correctly.  Move the panel to the a different edge and
then move it back and it will mystically appear :).  If that fails, you
should kill all ORB using apps, kill all the gnome-name-servers, and rerun
the panel.  This seems to work for me.  In any case session doesn't
restart correctly here so I have to do this anyway.  I haven't had time to
diagnose what is going on.

Manish Vachharajani               Some Haiku: A crash reduces
<>                   your expensive computer
                                              to a simple stone - Unknown

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