Re: [Fwd: GMC: Recreating the best console file manager for X]

I also like the MC/NC layout, but think it could be extended.  What I
think would be nice would be the ability to have an arbitrarynumber of
panes in one MC window.  That way, people who like win95 explorer
interface can choose to have one pane, and set MC to use the icon view,
while those who like MC/NC can use two panes and use a listing view.

I think that there would be times whenhaving more than two panes would be
useful.  Consider having two panes with directory listings, and an NC
style QuickView pane, showing the contents of the selected file.  That way
you could look at the contents of files while selecting some to be copied
to another directory.

Of course this feature could co exist with having multiple MC windows,
kind of like when running emacs under X.

James Henstridge.

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Paul Seelig wrote:

> I just wanted to step up front to say that i agree with your statement.
> I think that the removal of the traditional MC (or NC) layout is actually
> a very sad loss regarding functionality. The bad thing about all those
> single pane layouts like the Win95 Explorer or KFM are a step backwards in
> true useability because they make you depend upon using a mouse (try
> copying a few files in MC and then again with GMC to see what i mean) and
> thus taking away choice instead of adding to it. 
>                                             Ciao, P. *8^)
> -- 
>    Paul Seelig               
>    African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
>    Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
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