Re: [Summary] Meta-data/filesystem-encapsulation

Hi folks,

just my $0.02.

Sorry I can't reference all the posts I've been catching up after a
couple of day's off the net.  Or am I just tired of that discussion?
I've been thru a lot of the points within the past years when we where
thinking about the meta data issue.  I've been thru them again in the
past couple of month, when I did a prototype implementation.

If you like to find some thoughts here are 1161 documents which are
both test data (written merly to have something to play with) and
documentation: (look for

Don't expect to find too much there yet.  What's there is just the 2nd
prototype of a document control system (kernel) serveing it's test
data; what you see is the test data.  But it works like a charme --
for me, who did it :-( and has the potential to solve virtually all
the issues I read in this thread.  Please be aware: this has *nothing*
to do with any GUI.  You'll find a terrible web site and also the
documents are not in any particular order (after all it's a test field
for how document handling could/should happen).


BTW: if nobody jumps at the train, development of the whole thing will
slow down dramaticaly.  I have to make my living, so I'll use it for
custum solutions as it is and improve it on that way.

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