Re: Idea for next Journal

Hi Thomas,

I forgot to mention: if you start working on this articles, please add
it to our article submission queue at:



2007/6/25, Thomas McMahon <thmcmahon gmail com>:
Hey everyone,

Congrats on pushing out another edition of Gnome Journal.

I'm thinking about writing an article for the next Gnome Journal. I
just thought I'd ask you if you thought it would be

I was thinking I would write about the Pimlico PIM Suite by Opened
Hand, as I think it raises some interesting issues surrounding the
future of the Gnome/GTK technologies. I was just wondering though,
seeing as this is not a Gnome project, would it still be appropriate
for the Gnome Journal?

Thank you for your thoughts,

Thomas McMahon
Gnome-journal-list mailing list
Gnome-journal-list gnome org

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