Re: Setting up link between SVN commits and progress.g.o

Hi Ross,

Today at 13:42, Ross Golder wrote:

> We could base this on the po-file pre-commit msgfmt check, but make it a
> generic post-commit hook that, for po file changes, sends a mail to
> 'gnomeweb progress gnome org' (the user that owns /var/www/damned-lies)
> with a subject that gnomeweb's procmail can identify and run a script
> on. This script would just parse REPO and REV out of the message and
> pass it to Much like the website auto-update stuff.

Note that we need to run on every commit in a module
since the strings may change with that commit.  Damned Lies is smart
enough to regenerate only those PO files which are updated if only a
PO file has been committed, and won't re-update all PO files if
strings in POT haven't changed.

So, can we set-up such a hook?


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