Re: Request to put GNOME Journal onto the servers

On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 13:53 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Ross Golder">
> > You should probably send this request to the gnome-web-list. That will
> > reach the people that know about how the GNOME web sites and services work
> > already, can decide how best to integrate it and can point you in the 
> > right direction to request an account etc.
> > 
> >
> Well, see, this needs sysadmin set up (installation of textpattern, creation
> of mysql account and import of initial data, etc). It's totally appropriate
> for GNOME to host and so on, so take this note as web team approval.

OK, if it's been approved. On window, we're running PHP 4.3.2, which
should be fine. I'll download textpattern and see what will be required
to get it set up.

We are running MySQL 3.23.58, will this be adequate? I can't see any
obvious reason why not, so I've created a 'gnomejournal' database and
user on button, with access from window. I've also created an
'' virtualhost on window in preparation.

Jim, can you send me a tarball of the current document root and the
mysqldump of the database (seperately please), and I'll try to get it
set up on button/window, and checked into a CVS module (with
update-website-on-commit hooks etc) so you can maintain it. Does that
sound OK?

Is there anything else that will be needed to get it set up?



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