Re: adding Shotwell to GNOME's translation project

Le mardi 14 janvier 2014 à 01:25 -0008, Charles Lindsay a écrit :
Hi folks,

Fresh from our tentative success with Geary, we're taking a look at
how we might start using Damned Lies for Shotwell.

The biggest issue with Shotwell is that we have two sets of .po files:
one for the bulk of the project, and one for a set of optional extra
publishing plugins.  What's the easiest way to handle this?
 Specifically, how should we organize the source in directories so
intltool et al. are happy, and is there anything specific that needs
to happen for Damned Lies to recognize the two sets?

Hi Charles,

I can speak for Damned Lies, unfortunately not much about the build
system :-/
Damned Lies can support custom pot file build tools (like your
potgen-shotwell script) if it respects two things:
- it doesn't require building sources
- it uses "standard" script language (bash, python, perl, ...)

Now when I see the number of strings (<30) in the shotwell-extras pot
file, I wonder if it's really worth the trouble separating the pot


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