Re: Cathedral, bazaar models and DL

2010/5/15 Jorge González González <aloriel gmail com>
Hi all,

as a consequence of the Slovak GTP status, I also asked my team whether
they are happy with our model and so on. Looks like we will probably try
a bazaar like model, and I would like to know how the rest of the teams
are modelled.

Indonesian team uses cathederal model right now. Not every translator
registered to l10n.g.o, but they can submit their translations via our mailing
list. Module division is quite easy since we have only a few translators
right now. Everyone can try to translate any module, then we try to
do review/discuss problems in mailing list.

Translation from veterans will be checked minimally by committer
before commited via git. Translation from newbies will go several rounds
of reviews before committed.

Indonesian team target is to reach 80% level before 3.0, so review process
is not too strict. We will do detailed review after that target reached.

In the meantime, we have been preparing our local Transifex site to try out
bazaar model. Initially it will host only selected modules to give us feel about
overall quality, speed, etc.

Andika Triwidada
GNOME Indonesian Translation Team Coordinator

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