Re: Can't integrate translation in module sawfish i gnome git

2010/1/17 Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de>:
> Am Sat, 16 Jan 2010 22:25:59 +0100
> schrieb Kenneth Nielsen <k nielsen81 gmail com>:
>> >>
>> >> Please fix this module so that we can use standard tools and
>> >> procedures.
>> >
>> > This has been fixed in December. You can safely trust damned-lies
>> > now. It relies on the committed po/sawfish.pot file.
>> Yes, but I was also refering to the other issues, I still can't use
>> intltool-update.
> If you would use intltool-update then the majority of strings would get
> marked as deprecated, though they aren't, the issue is known, but not
> all parts are fixed yet. Intltool can't catch up the strings from
> Sawfish which aren't part of an alist or a list. so 80% of the strings
> will end up #~'ed.
> Chris

Yes I understand that. My second and third e-mail was just me
desperately begging you guys to fix it, as soon as possible, as we
really don't _need_ any extra modules with non-standard committing

Kind regards Kenneth Nielsen

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