Re: Can't integrate translation in module sawfish i gnome git

Am Sat, 16 Jan 2010 22:25:59 +0100
schrieb Kenneth Nielsen <k nielsen81 gmail com>:

> >>
> >> Please fix this module so that we can use standard tools and
> >> procedures.
> >
> > This has been fixed in December. You can safely trust damned-lies
> > now. It relies on the committed po/sawfish.pot file.
> Yes, but I was also refering to the other issues, I still can't use
> intltool-update.

If you would use intltool-update then the majority of strings would get
marked as deprecated, though they aren't, the issue is known, but not
all parts are fixed yet. Intltool can't catch up the strings from
Sawfish which aren't part of an alist or a list. so 80% of the strings
will end up #~'ed.


> Regards Kenneth
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