Re: I did like the old progress pages better, you know...

Hi Al,

On Thursday at 17:30, Alexander Shopov wrote:

> Anyway - the new progress pages are definitely funkier, have more
> information but I find them more difficult to use. Maybe it is my age
> showing, maybe the typographic fatigue, but still...
> I really liked the tabular layout - without any indents to show
> dependencies and similar, I liked the lines around the boxes - it just
> makes things easier to read.

Layout is in no way set in stone.  Actually, I am aware of many of the
shortcomings of the current layout (for example, branch info is a
really useful to know right away, so having it hidden inside a tooltip
is a bad idea).

> Including the stats for the documentation is a good thing (we definitely
> missed that) but having the info on both docs and UI on a single page is
> kind of superfluous for me (in my workflow I either commit UI or docs,
> very seldom both).

I agree having them side-by-side is a bad idea.  I am planning on
putting them one below the other, but still keeping them on the same
page (this would allow including branch info in the table as well).
The plan is also to make the module name link to module page, with
separate link for PO and POT downloads.

I also want to add some more interactivity there for those browsers
that would support it (like hiding categories until you expand them
with JavaScript).

There's also a XML output of the page, which should be easy to parse
into anything you want:

(I'll add UI translations output shortly)

And if you provide me with an XSLT stylesheet, we can even make
Gecko-based browsers display it nicely, like Gaim is doing on with

And if it's not yet clear: anyone willing to help with the design side
of things is more than welcome: that's why I am using a templating

> Could we have the tabular view back please? And perhaps the font could
> be smaller so we can crank more info in a view?

Font and font-size is what you set in your browser settings.  For all
the accessibility reasons, I am not going to enforce any font other
than what you choose yourself.

Note that default document font in GNOME is a bit larger than screen
font (usually 12pt vs. 10pt), so you may want to adjust that as well.


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