Re: Strings with context wrongly translated in gtk+ and epiphany

Sven Neumann wrote:

On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 09:20 +0530, Runa B wrote:

In case the msgstr is untranslated or fuzzy, doesnt the original msgid string show up on the interface? Hence if these strings are left blank the original msgid i.e. "some prefix|" would be used in the display, which beats the purpose of leaving out the prefix in the translation in the first place.

You are wrong here. The translation context is stripped away before
displaying the message. This only works if the translation context is
left untranslated. Thus, if you don't translate a message, the original
message will be used after stripping away "some prefix|".

For implementation details, see

Hmm. Makes sense. Thanks Sven and Abel for clarifying the matter.

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