Re: Translations, GNOME and KDE

I would really want to discuss the issue of Debug strings largely with
all the translators and hackers around, I'll make a separate thread for
this, I mean I am seeing big enthusiasm about this so let us tackle the
discussion ;)

>perhaps this should be reconsidered.

To be honest, yes I think this has to be reconcidered as: As you know we
work the whole time on the translations like you work on code, so IMHO
knowing early in the release process what will come out is very helpfull
as a translator would simply have more time to make this or that
Believe me even two weeks are a really large period of time...

>If there aren't enough i18n team members tracking
issues on desktop-devel-list and forwarding information on, perhaps that
needs to be addressed.

For me I'll subscribe to the list as soon as possible and I'll try to
give MHO ;) to every thing that needs any... So I'll try to do my best!


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