Re: Glossary (Re: "Folder" or "directory"?)

Hi Telsa,

On Thu, 2004-01-01 at 23:01, Telsa Gwynne wrote:

> It is this:
> It is generated from the file wordlist.xml in gnome-docu/gdp/style/

Thanks. Just in time I am working on a glossary based on what the
KDE people had done so far and OOo's glossary.
For Tamil we have excellent translations for Mozilla too so I was
begginning to feel jittery as a toally non-Gnome start did not seem

I should have asked first.
But now we know it might be helpful to mention this to the next
translator... a must to include in the instructions that was discussed

> The first thing the cy team translated was the glossary: or at 
> least we went through most of it. One or two words were a pain
> (actuator...) and we decided to wait until we met them and see 
> what was best in the event. It helped immensely to go through 
> this list at the start. But after we had checked in a few po
> files and looked at how the KDE and Mozilla and OOo translations
> did things, 

If you can please have a look at Danilo's webtionary.
Very useful for this ...especially for Tamil where the demography is
truly global with lots of issues that would need sub locales in the
future to sort it all out.
A central glossary that logs every participants thoughts on this seems
excellent atm.

[The current plan is to use bring in cy team's (Kevin Donnely's)
Kartouche .. the distributed l10n web tool  so you are going to see me
gatecrashing :) into the cy list soon  ... well as soon as issues with
Gecko and Tamil UUTF-8 are fixed  for more advice]

> we did have to go back and adjust our original list
> with the benefit of experience.

Want to get a bit of this experience the quickest way possible :)

> Incidentally, since I am posting to both lists at once: I once
> asked for "stupid strings" and one of the (many) suggestions was
> the single word "Control". "Is it a verb, a noun, an adjective,
> an instruction or what?" I have recently discovered that it is
> thought a better word than "widget". This is unfortunate, because
> it turns out that most of the gnome-i18n knew exactly what a
> widget and widget set was, but "control" has so many meanings
> in English that no-one was sure. 

I know no Welsh but I think translating to Tamil is easy on these
aspects though... it is like a fourier transformation in maths  ... the
whole concept thing has been thrashed out by many before Gnome-ta .
We are just hoping to vote on their hard work ;) in round one.



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