Re: Two translations for Uzbekistan

On Saturday 04 October 2003 14:12, Metin Amiroff wrote:
> Mashrab,
> Why don't you choose just to go with latin and get rid of the problems for
> good ?
> I think the new generation will adopt latin as soon as possible.

I do not think so. The only literature available in latin-uzbek are the
text-books for schools. The rest--books, news papers, magazines--is either in
cyrillic-uzbek or in russian. So, old generation is still using cyrillic
script and new generation is using both, but after school it switches to
cyrillic script anyway. I could talk about it for a long, but this ML is not
appropriate place to do so.

The point is there is a real need in cyrillic script in Uzbekistan.

> Arent't there any standarts choosen by goverment of Uzbekistan.
> That was the way we went in Azerbaijani localization and time shows that
> we were right. Then we just founded site and that made goverment
> to choose a STANDART.

Unfortunately, it does not seem it cares about it much. :-(

Mashrab Kuvatov
Ph.D student
University of Bremen, IUP

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