Re: Gnome Internationalization: A proposal

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 20:11:15 +0100
Gudmund Areskoug <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thaweesak Taekratok wrote:
> > 
> > I have been planning to do the same with KDE
> > translation for Thai language.  I just don't have time
> > to do it yet.  I think you can choose either C or php
> > with mysql database.  The key issue is how you want
> > people to access those translate strings.  If someone
> > check out that string, do you want to lock that string
> > from others to translate or you would allow to others
> > to translate the same string then compare or using
> > poll later.  Also, to improve consistency, you need to
> > create a databse for common terminology and translated
> > word.  Users who are not so sure how to translate or
> > spell a particular word could search to see if someone
> > alread define it.
> whatever you do, I think it's advisable to include not only what
> package, but also the usage context (and possibly precedence
> position in a hierarchy) for such common terminology. It may seem
> like a hassle in the beginning, but it certainly pays off as you go.

The only thing i can do is to include all the info from the pot files.
> Don't forget to include as much hotkey conflict handling as possible
> while you're at it, this is your chance!

I don't think it's possible to handle hotkey conflict only using the .pot files.
Do u have any idea in mind?

|  .''`.  | Filipe Maia                                          |
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