Re: Gimp-style menus

"Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero" wrote:

> So keeping with it, I normally open more than one image at a time. If
> the menu is local to each image, I get one menu per image, do not I?
> If I detach one, what happens with the others? Do I have to keep track
> of the parent - children relation in a per image basis? Do all auto
> tear off? Do they follow same on screen position? Do they auto hide?

I would make the above last few questions hints for the window manager to
take care of (the wonders of X).  As for following focus, they ought to
behave just as tear-off context menus do.  My comments had little to do with
implementation (code-wise) and all to do with presentation.  All of what
drops down with a context click should be on a per-image menu (as a user
would expect in a menu-per-application-window system) with the most
context-related items on context menus, not the whole shabang.

Microsoft Word 98 is pretty good at this, by the way.

> If the system is changed to per window menu, there are other problems
> too so, ideas? One is to have a bigger toolbox and put all menus in it
> (probably making focus follow mouse a pain :[ ).

The toolbox could remain a toolbox.  The toolbox has too many things in it
already (the pattern, etc. should be elsewhere as they relate to specific
tools -- not crop, select, etc.).

The menus on the toolbox should be application-related (with the exception
of a file menu).

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

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